Single Well Head Control System is designed to operate one independent oil/gas wellhead safety valve and controls the SCSSV, Master Valve, Wing Valve and Choke Valve of the single well in an orderly way. It can close the safety valve by manual shutoff, and RTU remote shutoff. It also has fire prevention safety control and can monitor the pressure of the process pipelines and carry out protection measures. The single wellhead panel can control hydraulic or pneumatic actuator. The hydraulic power source can be provided by pneumatic pump, motor pump, or manual pump. The pneumatic power source can be provided by
air compressor, industrial bottled Nitrogen, and pipeline natural gas.Multi-Well Head Control System is suitable for the integrated control of multi oil gas wellhead safety valves. It improves the automatic and network management level of the equipment operation and maintenance cost. It is usually used in areas with relatively high density of oil gas wellhead, especially in the ocean oil platforms. The multi-wellhead control panel employs module design. The hydraulic supply module and RTU control module are commonly used and every single wellhead control module is independent with other modules and can control SCSSV, Master Valve, and Wing Valve of each wellhead independently. The hydraulic power source of the multi-wellhead control panel is provided by motor pump or pneumatic pump with automatic pressure complement and overflow functions. The startup or closing of the hydraulic pump is controlled by the mechanical pressure switches and starting box.
Wireline-Retrievable Safety Valves
Top select Wireline-Retrievable Safety Valves offer premium features similar to a tubing retrievable safety valve and are landed in safety valve landing nipples that are equipped with a control line connected to the surface control system. This configuration enables the safety valve to be easily retrieved for repair or maintenance. When assembled to a wireline lock, the assembly can be installed in a safety valve nipple. Hydraulic control line connects the safety valve nipple to the surface emergency shut-down system. Loss of control line pressure will close the valve and shut-in the well. These wireline valves are premium valves due to the use of non-elastomeric seal material, metal-to-metal housing threads, high tensile strength metallurgy, and unique HP/HT packing and piston seal stacks when required by the application. These design features are imperative when considering applications for big bore, high temperature, high pressure, extremely corrosive, and hostile.